Friday, August 28, 2009

he's not dead yet ... he only acts that way

so i went for "tea" with feddy a couple of days ago.  (yes, he's still snooty - "i don't want coffee.")  for someone who's rich and never actually goes to work he sure seems like he has a lot of angst built up ...

[now that i think about it, maybe that's the way of the rich, right?  i mean, poor people aren't ever the ones to commit suicide ... they do all they can to just try to stay in the game (although some of the poor people i've known try to do the absolute minimum to stay in the game).]

we sat not too far from the shadow of the merlion (after feddy insisted we sit outside and then decided it was "too bright" and sat in the only patch of shade within 500 yards -- leaving me, his albino pal, to scorch) talking about the meaning of life, and specifically, what it's like to have to do clean-up work behind space aliens (i swear to god i'm not making this part up ... and he brought up the topic).

it's always nice to see feddy -- even if he is a helpless prima donna with both a little too much money and a little too much smarts.

and the big take-away for me was that feddy's life isn't all bad news ... it seems to me that the queen doesn't necessarily want his head on a spike this week ... which means that not only does he get to live awhile longer, but the odds of having to give away half the kingdom to a sudden legal action are fairly low.

(in other news, i've created a new travel 'blog and have made some all-you-can-jet t-shirts ... i mention it here only to up my search rankings.)

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